Sunday, November 19, 2017

Father Son Boxing

I've been pretty healthy as of late so I thought I'd take a chance and see if I can hang with my 18 year old son in a few low key sparing rounds. No kick boxing, just classic boxing.

I've watched these rounds a number of times and I think it's a fantastic father son portrait. My son is about 3x times faster than I am.  I do remember however what our bugo sessions were like years before this.
Backyard Bugo
Sparring Practice at Home

He chases me around and I mostly roll with the punches, move away or block the punches coming in, and I sometimes even counter.  My footwork is good.  But he's just fantastically athletic, quick, and graceful as he throws.  #dadissoproud  Note: neither of has put any time into boxing in the previous year or so:  This is us at our sloppiest. But since it's only going to get worse for me, I thought I'd save this.

The great news is that I held up OK for three, four, or five rounds (however many it was. I guess I did get a little fuzzy)   and I COULD WALK THE NEXT DAY (after some icing and time in the jacuzzi)...  OK, now here it is... Watch how he zings and how I drag.... (BTW, I think I was 59 or 60 in this video)


Anybody notice how fast he is?  Good technique. And how he stayed away from knocking off his father's noggin which I really appreciated.  This is what I looked like between rounds (while he was shadow boxing or talking up the audience):

John Edelson
John Edelson between rounds

 Round 3

Round 5

Where were we? We were at Ace's new gym just off Commercial, just west of Powerline. She opened it a few weeks ago. I highly recommend it for fitness, boxing skills, some time in the ring (she should get the ring installed in the next few weeks and will get the place expanded as the other tenant gives up space), and camaraderie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly amazing. Well done old man !