The title of this blog was initially, a typo, perhaps a Freudian typo, but it make me smile so I thought I'd leave it there for you.
And for the record, I'm not much wider but I am, at the moment, paying A LOT of attention to my eating habits. It seems that what worked at 48, doesn't necessarily work at 51.
The karate highlight of the last few weeks has been running with my 9 year old.

Last weekend, we did a timed run at the dojo and he hit a new mile record of 7:43! On Sunday, we timed a two miler and we did either a 18:30 or a 19:30 (I was using a regular watch and its hard to tell). Most impressively, he's not only comfortable at two miles now but he out-kicked me and won! I stayed right next to him through the run . On the last 30 yards, he added a new faster speeed. He can accelerate faster than me and while given enough time, I could chase him down. In this case, he crossed the line before I caught him. WOW! I've never been so proud. He seems to think that I let him win but he'll figure it out soon.
Todays' big thought: I just read this on a web site and it Spoke to me.
Discover yourself that there is success in everything that fascinates you.
I've spoken to groups and individuals a few times about career choices. I urge people to work hard to discover their interests and then to figure out if it makes sense to convert them into careers. I also urge people with careers, who say that they are unhappy, to find pleasure in what they do. But that's another story. I saw this comment on
Thats cool that your son can outrun you. I've run with you and your fast. He must be wicked fast.
The careers tale thing is weird.
"I've run with you and your fast." sic. Did you mean that "you're fast?"
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